We had an AWESOME time at Ancon 2010. The convention was awesome beyond awesome. There were so many incredible moments. Special thanks to everyone who participated in the Reisja Stones tournament: Amber, Ben, Brian, Ian, Larry, and Mark. You guys made it incredible and your added storyline was awesome!!!!!!! Check out our pictures […]
Hey all NE Ohio SVG Fans (or anyone wanting to travel farther)! Want to get a taste of what Silvervine is offering up for the 2010 convention season? With Ancon 8 days away, we are going to be doing some practice runs for 4 of our adventures this Sunday at the Silvervine Offices. If you […]
One of the biggest sticking points for completing the Silvervine Core Rulebook has been finishing the writing on the world of Cyrus. Cyrus was the reason that Silvervine got started in the first place, and it has always been Matt’s baby. Since I was tasked with writing it up as an RPG game world instead […]
So I’ve only got 14 pages left to outline for the 80 page Cyrus section. The outlining is actually the biggest step. It is where I take all the conglomerated Cyrus information and decide what is actually going to make it into the final book. With a large bullet point list of things that I […]
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