Browsing » August 2010

A little preview art – Reisja Stones 3

Here is a little preview art for the mini-adventure for the Reisja stones. The design on this is a quickly done mockup, but the excellent pictures are by Rochelle Simpson.

A little preview art – Reisja Stones 2

Here is a little preview art for the mini-adventure for the Reisja stones. The design on this is a quickly done mockup, but the excellent pictures are by Rochelle Simpson.    

A little preview art – Reisja Stones 1

Here is a little preview art for the mini-adventure for the Reisja stones. The design on this is a quickly done mockup, but the excellent pictures are by Rochelle Simpson.    

The Crimson Armadillo Crew

I don’t think I’ve shared this little beauty yet . . . It is the core crew of the Crimson Armadillo, done through our Player Picture Project.   The beautiful art was done by Andrew McIntosh. The characters of The Captain, Burke, and Ziggy the Ogre were played by Jason Pisano, Akira Barnes, and Brandon […]

SVG @ Gencon & Con On The Cob

Hey Silvervine Fans!   Here is a quick blurb of convention news for you.   Matt Solomon and John Arcadian will be at Gencon on Saturday and Sunday. They will be Utilikilted and wandering around. If you want to say hi, find them at the Eureka Seminar (John is on the panel) at 10 am […]