Two quick pieces of news. 1. Pete Figtree over at Ruthless Diastema does a community voices piece with John Arcadian, asking him for his top 5 sources of non-gaming inspiration. Find it here: 2. The Wild Musings game review blog does an in-depth review of the Silvervine Core Rulebook and Cyus Worldbook over on […]
The new version of the color, hardbound Core Rulebook has finally arrived and is ready for purchase! Available on Drive Thru RPG at a price of $39.99, this new version looks the way it was meant to. Packed with all of the same, great content that came in the B&W edition, owners of previous versions […]
Hello Silvervine Fans, We’re very excited about the new Color Hardback edition of the Silvervine Games Core Rulebook & Cyrus Worldbook that is coming out in the next week or two. While we’re waiting for the final files to be processed by the printers, we decided to take one of the test prints and page […]
As you can tell, we’ve gone and got ourselves a new website design and format. It’s been a long time coming and is quite the improvement over the old website – which was coded sometime back in 2004 or 2005, then slightly improved over the years. This has been a complete reworking from the ground […]
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