It’s 11pm EST, and I’m Working On Getting A Second Print Run Out

John's well loved and well worn first edition/proofing copy. A few days ago we finished up a post publication proofing run on the Silvervine Games Core Rulebook & Cyrus Worldbook. See, we were pretty hard pressed against our deadline for printing the first run in order to make sales at Con On The Cob. It was hectic. We did some very late nights, we worked out plans and backup plans in case the printers couldn’t deliver, and we got it out on time and had completely unexpected levels of sales. It was great, but more typos than we were comfortable with crept in or weren’t picked up. There were also some printing errors that made for a much darker look than we wanted. Those kinds of things are going to happen with any book. Nothing is ever perfect, and even the big boys get typos and errors in their work; more often than you would expect actually.*


While most readers will gloss over a majority of the typos and errors, not even noticing them, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make the book as good as you possibly can. So, in preparation for the upcoming convention season, we decided to do a rigorous in house proofing. This will make for a cleaner book overall, and it helped us pickup some of the errata issues. Nothing too major as far as errata, and we’ll be putting up a list of errata by edition very very soon.  And you’ll be seeing the book available in print again very soon as well. We’ll also be working out a way to provide updated copies of the PDF to anyone who purchased one of the first print run. Not sure how, but we will.


– John Arcadian


*Every time I see a typo in someone else’s work, I get a little happy inside.

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