Have you ever needed to print out a section of the rules for quick reference or make a copy of your character sheet at your local office store? If you’ve got a printer, that’s easy, but if you need to use your local office store then you might find yourself on the wrong end of a misguided corporate policy. Since Silvervine is a small company, and understands what GMs go through, we got with our legal rep and worked up something nice to make sure your rights to print were protected. Basically, it gives you the right to print one full backup copy of any Silvervine Games electronic product and you can print sections of products you own for personal use. If you get stuck at a print shop trying to print something, just point them to this page.
The print disclaimer will live at http://www.silvervinegames.com/printdisclaimer
All material contained within © Silvervine Games, Inc., unless otherwise noted. If you are looking for our print disclaimer, check here.
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