Browsing » April 2011

Player Picture Project PDF Updated

Good News Everyone!   We’ve just updated our process for the Player Picture Project and given it a permanent home on our website.   If you aren’t familiar with the PPP, you should be. Since we love seeing the incredible and diverse characters that come from our players, we try to make use […]

Upcoming Conventions

We’ve been scrambling on convention prep this year, but we are hitting more smaller conventions in the area. We just went to UBcon up in Buffalo, New York and it was great. Here is a bit of heads up on the next conventions we’ll be going to.   Fopcon – The Federal Order of Police […]

Focuses As Enablers

One of the most awesome things about the thematic and cinematic angles built into the Silvervine system is the fact that focuses and skills act to enable a player’s ideas instead of limiting them. Some game systems are so mechanically focused that not having the specific power means you can’t perform particular tasks. This is […]