The planet of Cyrus – home to the races and bordered by the realms of spirit. Cyrus is slightly smaller than the Earth and mirrors it in many ways. Many plants and animals found on Earth can be found on Cyrus, however similarities end pretty quickly. There are many unique physical features to the World of Cyrus.
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The known landmasses of Cyrus are surrounded by a thing known as the Endless Ocean. Though many expditions of sea and airship have traversed out over the infinite Cerulean waves, none have found land. Even those with great magical power have found nothing beyond the blue and the known Continents.
Those who stand on Cyrus and look into the sky may see three great wonders. First, great chunks of land float in the sky. These floating islands are sometimes inhabited by those who can reach them, but few have stable orbits. This makes most ilsands easy to lose in the skies. Beyond the Islands one can see the planetary ring of Cyrus in the skies. It is speculated that the ring comes from some great cataclysm that threw the islands into the sky and sent the dust of the planet even higher. No magic or technology has yet let the inhabitants of Cyrus reach the rings. Beyond the rings can bee seen the 3 moons of Cyrus, Red, Blue, and White. By night, the light of these moons combines to create unique shadows in some places. These dreaded “Purple Nights” are the subject of much superstition, some saying that Demons can step forth into the world at these places. These occurrences are rare as the rings of Cyrus usually filter the light of the moons when they align.
The Southern View of Judarin
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