SVG @ Gencon & Con On The Cob

Hey Silvervine Fans!


Here is a quick blurb of convention news for you.


Matt Solomon and John Arcadian will be at Gencon on Saturday and Sunday. They will be Utilikilted and wandering around. If you want to say hi, find them at the Eureka Seminar (John is on the panel) at 10 am on Saturday in the Marriott : Santa Fe room.


Con On The Cob is fast approaching, and this is going to be a good one. We’ve just about finished our convention schedule, which will include one seminar on using Cinematics, Thematics, and Shared Narrative in your game. The games we’ll be running are going to be a great mix of past and new, plus the prizes this year will be exclusive and awesome! Why, you ask? Because this year’s Con On The Cob will be the debut of the Silvervine Core Rulebook. Come check it out and pick up a copy of the book. More news after Gencon!

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