We’ve been scrambling on convention prep this year, but we are hitting more smaller conventions in the area. We just went to UBcon up in Buffalo, New York and it was great. Here is a bit of heads up on the next conventions we’ll be going to.
Fopcon – The Federal Order of Police Convention
Saturday April 30th
4275 Powell Rd. Huber Heights, Ohio
John and Ed will be running games and character creation. John will also be trying to explain his multiple speeding tickets…
May 20th – 22nd
Clarion Inn Hudson
240 East Hines Hill Road
Hudson, OH 44236
John, Ed, Alec, and Ryan will be there running games, doing character creations, and selling the next print run. This is a perennial favorite convention of ours. Come check it out and challenge Ed or John with a game of Whose Game Is It Anyways.
May 27th – 29th
Hyatt Regency Columbus
350 North High Street
Columbus, OH 43215
John will be helping Andy Hopp and running some games on Friday night and Saturday. Saturday night there is going to be a room party, put on by Con On The Cob. John is going to be helping out with that and kilted the whole time, so you know it’s going to be fun.
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